Find one example of Internet marketing that you think is particularly effective and one example that is ineffective. Explain your reasons, for example, you can describe how well the effective example takes advantage of the Internet's properties (e.g. interactivity, personalization, greater hold on user's interest). For the ineffective ad, you may describe how you can improve on it.NOTE: You are free to use your own examples, or any of the examples I shared with you in class or in the class blog.
Ineffective (Tom Lee)
The example I am going to use as ineffective internet marketing is the homepage from Tom Lee Music. I shall list the deficiency by point:-
Firstly the layouts are not user friendly. There is too much information contained in the first page. The web page should be divided into different sessions, with more distinct macros/ links so that the user can follow each category to get the information they need. information repeats itself even on the same screen. For example, we see top left corn of the screen, saying “Yamaha Asian beat” under category News Flash. Then on the right hand of the screen, we see this “Yamaha Asian beat” again under category “program”. More tidy and can hold onto the user’s interest.
Secondly information containing instruments is very limited.
Only size was provided. It is suggested that other information such as:-
1. Price;
2. Delivery;
3. Availability;
4. Link to the manufacturer;
5. Features.
So that customer can get a better idea of the potential commodity to be purchased.
Further, a function to provide “compare with other products” can also be inserted, so that the customer can get an easy comparison to enhance personalized experience. It would be even better, if a comment board can be placed for users to place their comments regarding this piano. This can enhance interactivity and comments from other users can give more independent advices to the potential buyer.
The online store can be better utilized then what they are now being used. For example, currently only books can be purchased though the online booking.
If the homepage allows people to purchase instruments online then it would save a lot of time for the retail shop keepers to save time of the customers and the shops. This concept has been widely adapted in other homepage such as http%3a/
Effective (Cathay Pacific)
The example I am going to use as effective internet marketing is the homepage from Cathay Pacific.
CX has a much better internet layout, information is contained adequately, and tidily; It achieved a much better internet marketing effect as the potential customer can easily track the service to be used, such as internet air-ticket booking:-
Information can be easily selected by the potential customers to suit their needs (e.g. dates, destination, fare). This can save customer’s time, and gave a greater personalization to the purchasing experience.
Other than online booking for air tickets, CX’s homepage also contains other services such as other products offered by the company.
The items can be enlarged and the prices (both in HK$ & US$) can be seen clearly from the homepage.
People other than the actual customer can also enjoy good informative homepage. Destinations and time of the flights are updated constantly on the webpage, this aids people to get updated information regarding all the flights. This information are available worldwide and in different languages so they are customer friendly. CX has a FAQ session online, so people can obtain information other than those contained on the homepage.